How to Watch on Other Platforms
CCMC Uses Cablecast to send our programming to Comcast as well as Stream online. You can easily access our programming just by clicking on either Channel 8 or 10 on this website! Just click the WATCH button on the upper right hand side to open a window to our LIVE programming. Because we use Cablecast – we also have a Cablecast App which is available on your phone, tablets and even some SMART TV’s.
Currently, Cablecast Cloud Services Apps is supported on the following platforms:
- Apple TV™ & Apple TV 4K
- Roku (TV, Express, Premier, Ultra & Streaming Stick)
- Fire TV (Amazon)
- iOS (Apple)
- Android
Our station is all set up – under the moniker Claremont Community Media center and, you’ll be able to your phone/tablet/smart tc to view CCMC content on these devices. Here is how you install the application on these players.

How to Install
Apple TV Installation Instructions
We have created a walk-through video to show you how to install and navigate through the Apple TV UI.
- You’ll need to be signed into your iTunes account to access and download store apps
- Navigate to the “App Store” on your Apple TV main menu
- Select “Search” on the top navigation bar
- Search for “Cablecast”
- Select “Install” on the app store page.
- Once its added, Navigate to your Home Screen to launch the application.
- On first launch, select the station you want to watch.
These stations are listed in order of which is nearest to you based off the Geo location of your IP Address.
Next launch of the application will automatically go into the last station you were watching. To change, select “Select Channel” in the top navigation bar.
Roku Installation Instructions
- Create or login to your Roku account to access apps
- On the main menu, navigate to “Search”
- Search for “Cablecast”
- Once in the application, select “Add Channel”.
- Once its added, Navigate to your Home Screen to launch the application.
- Once you launch the application, select the station you want to watch.
These stations are listed in order of which is nearest to you based off the Geo location of your IP Address.
Next launch of the application will show a new list called “Previous Channel” so you can easily navigate back to frequently watched channels.
Android Installation Instructions
- You’ll need to be signed into your Android Google Play account to access and download store apps.
- At the top of Google Play, Search for “Cablecast”.
- Select the Cablecast Logo.
- Click “Install”
- Once its added, Navigate to your apps directory. It will be on the last page of your directory. From here you can add it to your home screen or click to launch the app.
- On each launch, select the station you want to watch.
These stations are listed in order of which is nearest to you based off the Geo location of your IP Address.
FireTV Installation Instructions
- Log into Amazon.com
- Goto https://www.amazon.com/Tightrope-Media-Systems-Screenweave/dp/B08YS2TKH4
- From the selection to the right, select the location/tv/fire stick to send the app to and click Deliver.
- The next time you log into your FireTV device the app will be available for you to use.
Once installed. you can scroll through the list of channels. Please note that your channel list will populate by location, with the closest to you loading first then working down to further way stations.
iOS Installation Instructions
- You’ll need to be signed into your iTunes account to access and download store apps.
- Navigate to the “App Store” on your Apple device.
- Search for “Cablecast”
- Select “Install” on the app store page.
- Once its added, Navigate to your Home Screen to launch the application.
- On first launch, select the station you want to watch.
These stations are listed in order of which is nearest to you based off the Geo location of your IP Address. - Next launch of the application will automatically go into the last station you were watching. To change, select “Select Channel” in the top navigation bar.

Our Mission Is to Provide a Quality Television and Media Education for Claremont, NH and beyond

Television and Media - For Claremont, NH and Beyond
24/7 service. Local Access Television